Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I hung up 2 loins I've had in salt foe the past week and a half. I had some salumi fat rendered down, and I used it to make a "salumi rub" and coated one of the loins in it before hanging, just to add a little more depth in flavor. The paletilla's are still hanging and are getting firmer everyday. I also pulled down 46 pounds of salami I had made about 2 weeks ago from some left over berkshire pork we had. I made 8 different flavors. Four of the eight are more traditional. I made finochionna, sopressata, genoa, and a walnut salami. The other flavors are a little different. I used some tomato powder, carrot powder, and milk solids and created a bolognese salami. Another flavor I made was a beer and pretzel salami. I used some stale pretzels and dehydrated them, and mixed them with some beer powder. It tasted great. The fermentation of the beer powder mixed with the tang of the salami really went well together. I also made a thai- coconut one using dehydrated coconut. The last one I made was with soy sauce powder and wasabi powder. One of my favorites so far!