Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Iberico de Bellota Popcorn

So today I decided what I'm going to make for the week. I have 2 duck breasts curing in a traditional prosciutto cure, another 2 are in an ancho-chile spiced salt, and the last 2 are going to be in a juniper berry salt cure. Also, with the 20 pounds of pork I have, I'm making 5 pounds of pepperoni, 5 pounds of chorizo, 5 pounds of cardamom-orange, and 5 pounds of calabrese. I figured alot of people would like pepperoni since it's a very familiar taste to everyone. I've done the orange-cardamom one before and it has amazing flavor that I really think alot of people will enjoy. My former chef and great friend Bruce Trathen came up with this recipe a while back and it's really great! The calabrese salami is a very old-world, dry salami, with a bit of heat that adds great flavor tot he pork. Needless to say, it's going to be a very busy day tomorrow. Hopefully will have time to stuff and hang all of these. Also, the coppa is going to be coming out of the cure tomorrow, rinsed, and then hung for a couple of weeks. I'll be sure to put up some pictures of the drying process.

Today, my girlfriend and I also made some popcorn with some iberico be bellota fat scraps. After tossing it with some butter and salt...amazing!